
indie rose

late last year i shot age of intimacy's lovely collection for twenty-eleven, indie rose. the day begun in tears with a misunderstand between me and a uni teacher. i emailed them the day before asking to do my presentation of my progress in class first so i can leave early to get to a job i had booked for later that morning. long story short, she must have missed my email and told me to choose between "my studies and my career". obviously i chose what i love, my career, and headed off with a cloudy head.

i got to the location just before noon, where hair and makeup was being finished up. we were shooting in an upstairs vintage bar in the city, with nude paintings hung in golden ornate frames on every inch of the brindle walls. after a couple of hours of shooting the first few pieces of the location, we changed coraline's hair and headed off to the next location; the middle of nowhere.

holding a broken old suitcase, coraline walked down the side of the road as i filmed her. the afternoon sun warmed our goosebump skin as we shot the next few pieces of the indie rose collection in the prickly grass. poor coraline had to endure cars driving back and forth beeping at us as we were working. when i scouted the location a few weeks earlier, it was completely deserted. today, it was the busiest it must have ever been.

as the sun dimmed, we all got in the car and roadtripped back to the city. i filmed the blurry lights and black trees and when i watch the video i want to melt back into the day and do it all over again. we got back to dear old sydney and parked next to hyde park, our last location for the day. we all sipped on hot chocolate on a bench at the park trying to warm up, it was pitch black and cold by now, our skin and my pictures lit up by tungsten artificial sun.

we shot the last few photos and i rode back home in tired-bliss thinking about the long day. before i went to bed i got an email from my teacher stating that she finally found and read the email i sent and apologised for everything. ha.

but anyway, that's my little story of this big day. i hope you enjoy the collection photos. you should check out age of intimacy's website here, they are so so amazing! oh, and please click the little blue facebook link in the corner if you like this post to share the photos with the world!


  1. Your work is just better and better Julia :)

  2. Love the photos! Such an amazing lighting and color scheme! Really great work!

  3. Love this collection of images - so sophisticated and elegant. I am pleased to hear that you followed your heart; otherwise we would not see these lovely photos!

  4. i love the black skirt.

  5. so meautiful pictures, you are so talented:D

  6. well, it is said that experience is more important than grades (: i wish you the best with your career Julia, these pictures are beautiful.

  7. I'm sooooo much in love with those pictures in the wild. That's amazing!

  8. Stunning photos!
    and..I'm glad your teacher apologized. lol!

  9. I love this series.
    Professors are terrible. I've had many conflicts with mine over the years. They don't get it that some of us need to work to afford school.

  10. wow, this is so so beautiful!

  11. these shots are so intensely beautiful, the model i s amazing, as are the designs, and you have captured both perfectly. It is a shame your teacher couldn't be more understanding, but i do think you made the right decision. your talent as a photographer is tremendous.
    taylah x

  12. thank you so so much everyone <3

    glad everyone thinks uni professors are as terrible as i think they are too! happy story in the end though, proves perfectly that if you do what you love, everything else will fall into place :)

  13. crazy story from school. girl you have balls! these look amazing and are so worth it!

  14. i fell in love with this, completely. Congrats on yet another inspiring blog post Julia, i always love your work!

    Also, what you wrote, it just shows how much one is willing to sacrifice to do what one loves, its always the way to go, following your heart

    again, great post! (:

  15. Wonderfull photos!!! Congratulatons for your art work. I follow you from Spain,

  16. Really beautiful photography work again! and wise choice with uni :)

  17. ♥GREAT!!
    I really like your shot and stylist:):)
    Feel sexy and a little mysterious.

  18. i love your little story behind this big day. <3 you are incredibly inspiring and so talented at what you love doing, you'd make it big one day! :) love your work lots and lots. xxx

  19. wow ... just
    your photos are soo amazing

  20. Love your blog. Beautiful photos. You are very talented. Glad I found this. Now following :)


  21. These are absolutely astounding.

    I love the hair too!

    And the shots at the bar at my favourite. Great poses. And lovely colours.

  22. Hey, tolle Bilder!
    Wir laden dich ganz herzlich zu uns ins Forum ein. Das Linsengucker ist ein kleineres und familiäres Forum! es ist kostenlos. Wir freuen uns über jeden und vorallem über dich!


  23. aaaaahhhhhh these are stunning as usual!

  24. przepiękne... brak słów :)

    zapraszam do mnie


  25. love your post. i'm following you. come follow me. :)


  26. Awesome photos, very good work! :)

  27. thank you again, i really appreciate all your wonderful comments! x

  28. Hello, I just started a blog. I wonder if you have time to go and become a member if it pleases you.

  29. Ahhh these pictures are stunning and glamorous !
    The hairstyles suits on her which enhances her beauty !
    I think if she would have the bob hairstyles
    then it would enhance her beauty more as it expresses the face features !

  30. wow!! amazing,,,!! i want get my photo with your photograper! may i?
